Set 18003: NSB express train dining car FR7-3 with loco El 18

Set 18003: NSB express train dining car FR7-3 with loco El 18

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Set 18003

About the product:

Set with NSB express train dining car, type FR7-3 in “tomato soup” design silver-red-orange with matching locomotive El18 in “Nydesign” red-black. Prototypical paint scheme and lettering. Bellows transitions of the car can be exchanged (open/closed). Separately applied steps made of etched metal. The car is prepared for interior lighting. Current pick-up via metal bearing shells in the bogie and half axles. Close coupler pocket and NEM coupler pocket.

Electric locomotive class El 18 2254 with city name “Trondheim” of the NSB in “Nydesign”, version approx. 1998 to 2013. The model is made in cooperation with Fleischmann on the basis of an Re 460 of the SBB. Prototypically painted and lettered. Prototypical version with snow ploughs! Close coupler coupler pocket and NEM coupler pocket. Digital interface according to NEM 651. White/red light change, can be switched in digital operation. Drive on all four axles, two of the wheels have traction tyres.

The difference to the sets 188686, 188689 and 188692 is the different road number of locomotive and car as it is a set with mixed design, as it was common around 2008 to 2013. The locomotive is not available individually.

Electric loco class El 18 of the NSB (Norwegian State Railways)

At the beginning oft he 90s NSB needed further electric locos especially for express train service. The existing locos class El 17 had a lack of power for the longer and heavier trains, their construction was too light weighted.

In 1993 NSB made test runs with the electric loco „EuroSprinter“ by Siemens and class Re 460 of the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB). For this reason the Swiss locos got named „Finse“ and „Lillehammer“ with fitting logos on the side walls.

Norwegian loco drivers were in favour for the El 18 (the Swiss loco) so it was obtained by NSB in 1995. Compared to the Swiss Re 460 the El 18 has some technical and optical differences of which the snow plugs are the most eye-catching ones. The locos haul almost every train service in Norway but their main service is hauling express trains with the passenger cars of type 7 (see our models).